It's exactly what it sounds like! A sight-reading party with String Theory!
Any Columbia student (especially residents of John Jay) can come by and join an awesome jam session with Columbia's most prestigious string ensemble!
Do you have to play cello? Nope! We have detailed cello sheet music to play off of (so if you are a cellist, you have no excuse to NOT come), but we will also have a ton of chord sheets of new and old songs of various genres that we will be sight-reading and improvising off of as well!
Do you have to play an instrument? Nope! We welcome singers from all walks of music to come sing with us!
Do you have to be a musician? Nope! If you enjoy free food and want to see the genius-level music talent at Columbia or just want to meet other people in our music community, you are welcome to come!
Friday, October 11th: Learn new music and make new friends of Columbia's awesome musician community. And free food.
9PM - midnight (and possibly later), John Jay Lounge, Columbia University.